Monday, September 12, 2011

postheadericon Identify Metals in Your Body

Identify Metals in Your Body
To perform its functions properly, our bodies need good nutrition. Substances that the body needs not only in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, or vitamins. Various metallic substance is also necessary for the body to work properly. Any metal that the body needs? What does it do? How much the body needs?
READ MORE - Identify Metals in Your Body

postheadericon Ready to be Vegetarian?

Ready to be Vegetarian
Because the reasons for health, beauty, love of animals, and reduce global warming, making the person ultimately reduce or do not consume animal flesh and dairy products. Such a person is usually called vegetarians. But did you know that there are several types of vegetarian based on what is consumed? What are the benefits and difficulties that have to undergo a diet like this?
READ MORE - Ready to be Vegetarian?

postheadericon Dengue Fever or Typhoid?

Dengue Fever or Typhoid
Gejala penyakit demam berdarah atau DBD dan tifus memiliki beberapa kesamaan. Kedua penyakit ini ditandai dengan demam yang cukup tinggi sehingga mengganggu aktivitas penderitanya. Jika salah mengetahui jenis penyakit yang diderita bisa mengakibatkan kesalahan penanganan pada penderita, bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Apa saja perbedaan antara penyakit demam berdarah dan tifus?
READ MORE - Dengue Fever or Typhoid?

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